havalimanlari.net / Muğla Dalaman Havalimanı

Dalaman Airport Havaş Bus Shuttle Turkish Dalaman Airport Havaş Bus Shuttle English

Dalaman Airport (DLM)
Muğla Dalaman Havalimanı (DLM)

Dalaman Airport Phone Number
+90 252 792 55 55

Dalaman Airport Directorate

YDA Dalaman Airport Company



Dalaman Airport Bus Shuttle HavasDalaman Airport Bus Shuttle Havaş


How to get to Muğla Dalaman Airport, How to get to Muğla Dalaman Airport, Dalaman Havas, Dalaman Public Bus Shuttle, How to get to Dalaman Airport from Fethiye? Fethiye Havas, Marmaris Havas, How to get to Marmaris from Muğla Dalaman Airport? How to get to Dalaman Airport from Marmaris? How do you get to Fethiye from Dalaman Airport? Dalaman Airport Shuttle, Dalaman Airport Bus Transfers (HAVAŞ),

Muğla Dalaman Havalimanı ulaşım, Muğla Dalaman Havalimanı'na nasıl gidilir?, Dalaman Havaş, Fethiye'den Dalaman Havalimanı'na nasıl gidilir? Fethiye Havaş, Marmaris Havaş, Marmaris Havaş Hareket Saatleri, Havaş Fethiye, Havaş Marmaris Havaalanı Yolcu Servisi, Muğla Dalaman Havalimanı'ndan Marmaris'e nasıl gidilir?, Dalaman Havas, Marmaris'ten Dalaman Havalimanı' na nasıl gidilir? Muğla Dalaman Havaalanı'nından Fethiye'ye nasıl gidilir?

Distances from Dalaman Airport to the centre of Marmaris ?

The centre of Marmaris (19 Mayıs Gençlik Meydanı) distance of 95 kilometres / 59 miles in about 1 hour and 30 minutes.  

Distances from Dalaman Airport to the centre of Fethiye?

Fethiye is closer to the Dalaman airport, the distance of 45 kilometres/ 28 miles. it takes 50 minutes.

HAVAŞ Dalaman Airport Bus Service:

Havaş provides passenger transportation services from Muğla Dalaman Airport to Marmaris and Fethiye town centers (vice versa).

Passengers who want to reach the Marmaris, Fethiye city centers from Dalaman Airport can use Havaş buses. Havaş Buses depart from Dalaman Airport in front of the passenger lounge exit. You can easily see Havaş buses at the terminal exit.

Havaş provide bus transportation to and from Marmaris and Fethiye. 

Marmaris HAVAŞ Bus Service:

To Marmaris from DALAMAN Airport; By Havas Bus Service;

Havas Shuttle is available for all domestic flights at Dalaman Airport.

From Dalaman Airport (DLM) the bus service of Havas departs towards Marmaris about 25 minutes after every aircraft landing.

The buses of Havas take you to Marmaris Intercity Bus Terminal (Otogar), This bus station is 2 kilometers from Marmaris city center. You have to change to another bus or a taxi to go to your hotel or accommodation.

Havas Shuttle Passenger Drop Off Points

Havas shuttles can drop off at specified points on the route if the driver is notified after departure from the Airport.

Duration of travel by Havaş

Travel time on the bus of Havas is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Tickets can be purchased from the bus driver, the prices are listed below.

Please consult website and timetable Havas for more information.

From Marmaris to DALAMAN Airport; By Havas Bus Service;

Havaş buses depart from the Marmaris Bus Terminal. At the bus station, the stop of Havaş Buses is at the entrance of the bus station and you can easily see it, right next to Muttaş Airport Buses. Marmaris Bus Station (Otogar) is located 2 km from the city center. You can use the minibuses or taxis in the city when you arrive or go to the bus terminal.

Havaş Buses' Schedule Hours are arranged according to the domestic flight traffic to take off from Dalaman Airport. Havaş Shuttle organizes for almost all flights in Marmaris bus station.

Havaş Bus Service Departure Times from Marmaris to Dalaman Airport :

You can click the link below to current departure hours from Havas Marmaris to Dalaman Airport

Current Departure Times for Havaş Buses from Marmarsi to Dalaman Airport (DLM) >>> Please Click Here .....

Important Information: Depending on the flight cancellations, changes or cancellations may occur in the hours of Havaş bus services arranged according to domestic flights. In order to prevent victimization, you should contact the HAVAŞ Call Center number. 0850 222 0 487 and get information before your tripnumaralı HAVAŞ Çağrı Merkezi hattını ulaşarak bilgi almanızı gerekmektedir.

Havaş Bus Stop in Marmaris:

Marmaris Main Bus Station (Otogar) 13. Peron

Marmaris Havaş Otagar DurağıHavas Marmaris Main Bus Terminal (Otogar)

Havaş Shuttle Route from Marmaris to Dalaman Airport:

Marmaris Main Bus Station (Otogar), Gökova, Köyceğiz, Ortaca, Dalaman and Dalaman Airport.

Duration of travel by Havaş Bus

Approximately 90 minutes, changing for depending on the traffic density

Marmaris Havas Bus Shuttle Ticket Price 2025:

Marmaris Havas fee: 210 TL (VAT Included)

Koycegiz Havas Bus Shuttle Ticket Price:

Koycegiz Havas Fee: 130 TL (VAT Included)

Gokova Havas Bus Shuttle Ticket Price:

Gokova Havas Fee: 150 TL (VAT Included)

Ortaca Havas Bus Shuttle Ticket Price:

Ortaca Havas Fee: 110 TL (VAT Included)


Marmaris Havaş Contact
Airport Name Dalaman Airport
Operational Representative Mutlu Özkan
Shuttle Company Phone 0850 222 0 487
E-Mail dalamanbus@havas.net
Shuttle Company Dalaman Airport Shuttle Company


Havaş buses regularly carry passengers from Fethiye to the Dalaman Airport and from Dalaman Airport to Fethiye. You can easily use HAVAŞ buses for both your departures and returns to the airport.

The distance between Dalaman Airport and Fethiye city center is 50 km. The distance between Dalaman Airport Fethiye with Havaş buses takes about 60 minutes.

Fethiye Havas bus shuttle Ticket fee is 150 TL. You can pay by cash or credit card.

From FETHİYE to DALAMAN Airport; By Havas Bus Service;

Havaş buses depart from the bus station in Fethiye. Havaş Buses stop is at the bus station entrance and you can easily see it when you go to the bus station, it is right next to Muttaş Airport Buses. Fethiye bus station is in the city center and transportation is easy.

Havaş Buses from Fethiye to Dalaman Airport Departures Times:

Havaş Buses Departure Hours from Fetjiye to Muğla DALAMAN Airport (DLM) : >>>> Please Click here… >>>>

Important Information: Depending on the flight cancellations, changes or cancellations may occur in the hours of Havaş bus services arranged according to domestic flights. In order to prevent victimization, you should contact the HAVAŞ Call Center number. 0850 222 0 487 and get information before your tripnumaralı HAVAŞ Çağrı Merkezi hattını ulaşarak bilgi almanızı gerekmektedir.

Havaş Bus Departure Place in Fethiye:

Fethiye Intercity Bus Terminal (Fethiye Otogar)

Havaş Shuttle Route from Fethiye to Dalaman Airport:

Fethiye Intercity Bus Terminal, Adnan Menderes Boulevard, Günlükbaşı, Göcek, Dalaman city center and Dalaman Airport (DLM).

Duration of travel by Havaş Bus

Approximately 60 minutes, changing for depending on the traffic density

Fehiye Havas Shuttle Ticket Price

Fethiye Havas Bus Shuttle fee: 150 TL (VAT Included)

Gocek Havas Bus Shuttle Ticket Price

Gocek Havas Bus Shuttle: 110 TL (VAT Included)


To FETHİYE From DALAMAN Airport; By Havas Bus Service;

​Havas Shuttle is available for all domestic flights at Dalaman Airport.​.​

From Dalaman Airport (DLM) the bus service of Havaş departs towards FETHİYE about 25 minutes after every aircraft landing.

Havaş Passanger Drop Off Points

Havas shuttles can drop off at specified points on the route if the driver is notified after departure from the Airport.

Havas Shuttle Route

Dalaman Airport, Dalaman, Göcek, Günlükbaşı, Adnan Menderes Boulevard, Fethiye Intercity Bus Terminal

Havaş Dalaman Airport - Fethiye Ticket Price

Fethiye Havas Fee: 150 TL (VAT included)
You can pay by cash or credit card.

Fethiye Havaş Contact
Airport Name Dalaman Airport
Operational Representative Mutlu Özkan
Shuttle Company Phone 0850 222 0 487
E-Mail dalamanbus@havas.net
Shuttle Company Dalaman Airport Shuttle Company

In order to avoid any problems, detailed information about Fethiye-Marmaris Dalaman Airport Havaş Bus services, Duration of trip by Havaş, Havaş ticket price, Havaş current departure times and Havas route information should be called or visit the website below.

Havaş Muğla DALAMAN Phone Number:

0850 222 0 487

Havaş Muğla Dalaman Havaalanı Web Sitesi:


Havalimanı Adı Dalaman Havalimanı
İşletme Sorumlusu Mutlu Özkan
Ofis (0 252) 792 50 77
Mobil (0 555) 985 11 65
Faks (0 252) 792 50 77
E-Posta mozkan@havas.net
Otobüs İşletmesi Dalaman Havalimanı Otobüs İşletmesi
Havaş Otobüs İşletmesi Telefon 0850 222 0 487

Muğla Dalaman Bus Shuttle Havaş Route and Havaş SchedulesMuğla Dalaman Bus Shuttle Havaş Route and Havaş Schedules

Important: Published here is for informational purposes only. Source: DHMI and YDA Dalaman Airport are Havaş websites. Our Web Site does not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of acting according to the information published on this site and the information revealed to be incorrect or incomplete.

Transportation to Muğla Dalaman Airport is quite easy. You can easily reach the airport thanks to the taxi and bus facilities. You can learn more about other transportation options from our site's Transportation and parking page.

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Muğla Dalaman Airport TransportationMuğla Dalaman Airport (DLM Airport) / Dalaman Havalimanı

Muğla Dalaman Airport Bus Shuttle
Muğla Dalaman Airport / Dalaman Havalimanı

Dalaman Airport (DLM) Transportation, Dalaman Airort Bus Shuttle, Dalaman Airport Havaş, How to get to Muğla Dalaman Airport, How to get to Muğla Dalaman Airport, Dalaman Havas, Dalaman Public Bus Shuttle, How to get to Dalaman Airport from Fethiye? Fethiye Havas, Marmaris Havas, How to get to Marmaris from Muğla Dalaman Airport? How to get to Dalaman Airport from Marmaris? How do you get to Fethiye from Dalaman Airport? Dalaman Airport Shuttle, Dalaman Airport Bus Transfers (HAVAŞ)



Daha Büyük Görüntüle
Muğla Dalaman Havalimanı Haritası
Muğla Dalaman Airport map


+90 252 792 55 55


Thanks to Muğla Dalaman Airport Flight Information, you can track and track the planes taking off and landing from Muğla Dalaman airport. You can instantly follow domestic and international flight times of Muğla Dalaman airport. Press F5 to Refresh the Information Screen.

While following the flights with the Muğla Dalaman Airport flight information screen, you can follow the departures with the Departures option, you can follow the planes that have landed with the Arrivals option, if any, you can see the delay and delay information. Muğla Dalaman Airport live flight information screen. Dalaman Airport Flight arrivals and departures times.

Important: havalimanlari.net does not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of acting according to the flight information published on this site and it appears to be incorrect or incomplete. You can find out the correctness of the information from the relevant Airline companies or Airport operator (DHMI) or YDA Dalaman Airport, which is the Terminal Operator.

You can see the flights Arrivals at Muğla Dalaman (DLM) Airport and departures from Muğla Dalaman (DLM) Airport below.

Muğla Dalaman (DLM) Airport Arrivals

Note: The flight information provided above is provided by "Avionio" and no responsibility or liability of "airports" is provided for the content and accuracy of the information.

Muğla Dalaman (DLM) Airport Departures

Note: The flight information provided above is provided by "Avionio" and no responsibility or liability of "airports" is provided for the content and accuracy of the information.


Dalaman Airport Domestic/International TerminalDalaman Airport Domestic/International Terminal / Dalaman Havalimanı İç Hatlar / Dış Hatlar

Important: The data here is for informational purposes only, and you may change the exact information by calling on the phone. Our Web Site does not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of acting according to the information published on this site and the information revealed to be incorrect or incomplete.

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