Bodrum International Airport (BJV, LTFE) |
Milas-Bodrum Airport Telephone Number: |
Rent A Car Milas Bodrum Airport, Milas-Bodrum Airport Rental Car, Bodrum Airport (bjv) Rent A Car Companies, Milas Bodrum Airport Rent A Car Company
Muğla Milas Bodrum Havalimanı Araç Kiralama Şirketleri, Muğla Milas Bodrum Havaalanı Oto Kiralama Firmaları, Muğla Milas Bodrum Havalimanı Rent A Car, Muğla Milas Bodrum Havaalanı , Muğla Milas Bodrum Havalimanı Kiralık Araç Firmaları Telefon Numaraları
Аэропорт Мугла Милас Бодрум Прокат автомобилей, Мугла Милас Аэропорт Бодрум Аренда автомобилей
Milas–Bodrum Airport is an international airport that serves the Turkish towns of Bodrum and Milas. It is located between Bodrum and Milas districts of Muğla province.
It is 18 km from Milas District, 35 km from Bodrum District, 76 km from Muğla city center and 82 km from Didim.
Renting a car is a good option if you want to visit Bodrum and its surroundings. The phone numbers and web addresses of car rental companies located in Milas-Bodrum Airport (bjv), other than Rent A Car companies - Car rental companies, are shown below.
You can easily rent or book a car according to your wishes and preferences by calling Car rental / Rent a Car companies at Milas Bodrum Airport by phone or by visiting their web addresses. Good Trip ....
Phone Numbers and Car Rental Companies Web addresses of Milas-Bodrum Airport Rent A Car Companies
AVIS Rent A Car Milas-Bodrum Airport
444 28 47
+90 252 523 02 01
Enterprise Rent A Car Milas-Bodrum Airport
+90 252 523 02 16
44 44 937
Garenta Rent A Car Milas-Bodrum Airport
+90 252 999 11 22
444 5 478
Europcar Rent A Car Milas-Bodrum Airport
0216 427 0 427
+90 (252) 523 02 12
+90 (252) 523 02 11
Almira Rent A Car Milas-Bodrum Airport
0850 811 3 256
444 22 56
0533 503 00 16
Sixt rent A Car Milas-Bodrum Airport
444 00 76
0533 503 00 16
0 850 222 2 000
Budget Rent A Car Milas-Bodrum Airport
444 4 722
0 850 316 6 316
0 (252) 523 0271
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Bodrum Milas Airport Rent A Car Offices
Milas–Bodrum Airport is an international airport that serves the Turkish towns of Bodrum and Milas. The airport is situated 36 km northeast of the town of Bodrum, and 16 km south of Milas.
It is located between Bodrum and Milas districts of Muğla province. It is 18 km from Milas District, 35 km from Bodrum District, 76 km from Muğla city center and 82 km from Didim. Milas-Bodrum Airport ICAO code: LTFE, IATA code: BJV, Bodrum Airport (BJV) Geographical coordinates: 37 ° 14'50 "N, 27 ° 40`53" E.
Transportation to Muğla Milas-Bodrum Airport is possible by Havaş (Bus Shuttle), Muttaş Public bus services and taxi. In addition, you can reach the airport by using the rent a car service, or you can go to the airport from the airport much faster. You can learn about transportation and parking fees from the Transportation and Parking page of our site.
havalimanlari.net Wish You A Good Trip ...
Rent A Car Milas-Bodrum Airport, Car Rental Bodrum Airport (BJV), Bodrum Airport Rent A Car, Bodrum Airport Trasnportation, Bodrum Airport Car Rental Companies, TAV Bodrum Airport Car rental, Bodrum Airport Rental Car, Car Rental bodrum airport, Car rental companies Bodrum Airport, Car Hire Bodrum Milas Airport, BJV Rent A Car, Avis rent a car bodrum milas airport, budget car rental bodrum airport, enterprise car rental bodrum airport, airport car rental, ltfe rent a car airport car rental, Bodrum Airport Transfer, TAV Bodrum Airport Car Rental, TAV Bodrum Airport rent a cars, Bodrum Airport Rental Car,
Bodrum Airport (other name is Milas Bodrum airport) is located between Bodrum and Milas districts of Muğla province. It is 18 km from Milas District, 35 km from Bodrum District, 76 km from Muğla city center and 82 km from Didim. Milas-Bodrum Airport ICAO code: LTFE, IATA code: BJV, Geographical coordinates: 37 ° 14'50 "N, 27 ° 40`53" E.
Thanks to Milas-Bodrum Airport Flight Information, you can track and track the planes taking off and landing from Bodrum Airport. You can instantly follow the domestic and international flight times of Bodrum airport. Press F5 to Refresh the Information Screen.
You can follow the flights with Milas-Bodrum Airport flight information screen. You can follow the planes taking off with the Departures option, you can follow the landing planes with the Arrivals option and you can see the delay information. Milas-Bodrum Airport live flight information screen. Bodrum Airport Flight departures and landing times. Bodrum Airport International Arrivals, Bodrum Airport International departures, Bodrum Airport Domestic Arrivals, Bodrum Airport Domestic departures flight information can be seen below.
Important: havalimanlari.net does not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of acting according to the flight information published on this site and it appears to be incorrect or incomplete. You can find out the accuracy of the information from the relevant Airlines or Airport operator (DHMI) or TAV Bodrum Airport, which is the Terminal Operator.
You can look at "Arrivals" for the planes landing at Bodrum Airport and "Departures" for the planes taking off from Bodrum Airport.
Not: Yukarıda verilen uçuş bilgileri "Avionio" firması tarafından sağlanmış olup içeriği ve bilgilerin doğruluğu hakkında "havalimanlari.net"in herhangi bir sorumluluğu ve yükümlülüğü yoktur.
Note: The flight information provided above is provided by "Avionio" and no responsibility or liability of "airports" is provided for the content and accuracy of the information.
Transportation to Milas-Bodrum Airport is possible by Havaş (Bus Shuttle Company) buses , Muttaş (Public Bus) bus services, taxi and transfer company. In addition, you can reach the airport by using the rent a car service, or you can go to the airport from the airport much faster. You can learn about transportation and parking fees from the Transportation and Parking page of our site.
Important: The data here is for informational purposes only, and you may change the exact information by calling the phone. Our Website does not accept any liability for any loss or damage that is the result of acting according to the information published on this site and the information revealed to be incorrect or incomplete.
Önemli: Buradaki veriler bilgilendirme amaçlı olup değişiklik göstrebilir kesin bilgileri telefonla arayarak ulaşmanız gerekmektedir. WEB SİTEMİZ, Bu Sitede Yayımlanan ve Yanlış veya Eksik Olduğu Ortaya Çıkan Bilgilere Göre Hareket Edilmesi Sonucu Maruz Kalınan Herhangi Bir Kayıp veya Hasara Yönelik Sorumluluk Kabul Etmemektedir.
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