havalimanlari.net / İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Bus Shuttle Turkish izmir adnan menderes airport bus English 

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport (ADB)
Izmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı (ADB)

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport (ADB) Phone Number

+90 232 455 00 00

Official Websites:
DHMİ Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport

TAV Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport

Update: 11.01.2025

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Public Bus schedule, Route, Fares
Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Bus Schedules


Bus services from Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport are served by Airport buses numbered 200, 202 and 204 allocated by the ESHOT General Directorate within the Metropolitan Municipality..

- The number 200 city bus route; Mavişehir Transfer Center - İZMİR Adnan Menderes Airport;


Stops and stop numbers of Airport Bus 200: • 22192 - Mavişehir Aktarma Merkezi, 22058 - Albayrak Mavişehir Evleri, 22054 – Bayrak, 22052 – Fotoğraf Müzesi, 22050 – Soyak, 20382 - Pamukkale Sitesi 2, 20356 - Mavişehir Dört Yol, 20354 - Pamukkale Sitesi, 20352 - Spor Merkezi, 20196 - Beşikçioğlu Cami, 20194 - Bostanlı Pazaryeri, 20198 - Bostanlı Market, 20172 - Bostanlı İskele, 20154 - Osman Bey Parkı, 20004 - Karşıyaka İskele, 20148 - Muammer Aksoy Parkı, 20146 - Selçuk Yaşar İlköğretim Okulu, 20144 – Tersane, 20060 – Turan, 20134 - Bayraklı Üst Geçit, 11853 - Yenişehir Pazar Yeri, 11855 - Yenişehir Üst Geçit, 11857 – Yeşildere, 11859 – Şimşek, 10625 - Hasan Hüseyinler, 10629 – Orcaner, 10631 – Çitlenbik, 10633 – Kaymakkuyu, 10635 - Cumhuriyet Lisesi, 10637 – Kızılcık, 10639 - Paşa Köprüsü, 10641 – Karabağlar, 10651 – Sinem, 10653 - Gaziemir Semt Garajı, 10655 – Emrez, 10657 – Aktepe, 10659 - Altıncı Sanayi Kavşağı, 10661 - Ege Serbest Bölge, 10663 – Leylak, 10665 – Ulaştırma, 10667 - Gaziemir Alt Geçidi, 10669 - Çağdaş Eğitim, 10671 - Gaziemir İlçe Emniyet, 10673 - Sarnıç Alt Geçidi, 10675 - Emlak Bankası Evleri, 10677 - Seçkinler Sitesi, 13017 - İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı İç Hatlar Gidiş, 13015 - İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı Dış Hatlar Gidiş, 13018 - İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı İç Hatlar Geliş

Departure and departure times of MaviŞehir - İzmir Airport bus number 200

ESHOT Izmir Municipality Airport Bus number 200 has been temporarily canceled.

- The number 202 Republic Square - Izmir Airport Public Bus route; Alsancak district Cumhuriyet Square, İZMİR Adnan Menderes Airport.

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Bus Cumhuriyet Square is moving from the stop next to Swissotel (Büyük Efes Hotel).

Bus stops at airport bus no. 202 :İzmir Ticaret Lisesi, Montrö, Vasıf Çınar, Dokuz Eylül Rektörlük, Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu, İskele, Karataş, Asansör, Küçükyalı, Köprü, Sadık Bey, Vali Konağı, Göztepe, Göztepe İskele, Adnan Saygun Sanat Merkezi, Hava Hastanesi, Üçkuyular Pazaryeri, İkiztepe, Moda, Serbest Bölge, Serbest Bölge 2, Leylak, Ulaştırma, Gaziemir Alt Geçidi, Çağdaş Eğitim, Gaziemir İlçe Emniyet, Sarnıç Alt Geçidi, Emlak Bankası Evleri, Seçkinler Sitesi, İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı İç Hatlar Gidiş, İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı Dış Hatlar Gidiş, İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı İç Hatlar Geliş.

Departure and departure times of the bus number 202

202 Airport Bus Schedule - Business Days / Saturday / Sunday

--CUMHURİYET SQUARE Departure Times--

-- IZMIR AIRPORT Departure Times -

05:20 06:20
08:00 09:20
09:30 10:50
11:00 12:20
12:30 13:50
14:00 15:20
15:30 16:50
17:00 18:20
18:30 19:50
20:00 21:20
21:30 22:50
23:00 00:20
00:20 01:20
01:20 02:20
03:20 04:20

Municipality Bus Route 204 ; İzotaş (Bornova Metro - Bus Stataion), İZMİR Adnan Menderes Airport


Bus number 204 stops :Bornova Metro, Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi, Otogar, Serbest Bölge, Serbest Bölge 2, Leylak, Ulaştırma, Gaziemir Alt Geçidi, Çağdaş Eğitim, Gaziemir İlçe Emniyet, Sarnıç Alt Geçidi, Emlak Bankası Evleri, Seçkinler Sitesi, İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı İç Hatlar Gidiş, İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı Dış Hatlar Gidiş, İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı İç Hatlar Geliş,

Departure and departure times of the 204 numbered Airport bus

204 Airport Bus hours - Business Days / Saturday / Sunday

-- BORNOVA METRO Departure Times--

-- IZMIR AIRPORT Departure Times --

05:00 05:00
06:00 06:00
07:15 07:15
08:30 08:30
09:45 09:45
11:00 11:00
12:15 12:15
13:30 13:30
14:40 14:40
16:00 16:00
17:20 17:20
18:40 18:40
20:00 20:00
21:20 21:20
22:40 22:40
00:00 00:00
02:00 02:00
04:00 04:00

The times above are the planned departure times and the departure times may vary due to adverse weather conditions, traffic density, breakdowns etc.. Detailed and up-to-date information from the phone number below or website you can learn by visiting.

Izmir bus station stop of the bus (204) that runs between Izmir airport and Izmir bus stationIzmir bus station stop of the bus that runs between Izmir airport and Izmir bus station

izmir airport public bus departure hoursizmir airport public bus departure hours, İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı Otobüs Hareket kalkış Saatleri

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Bus Schedules Fare Schedule, Ticket Prices

200 Mavişehir, 202 Cumhuriyet Meydanı, 204 Bornova Metro:

Ticket = 44,10 TL,
Student ticket price= 34,30 TL
Teacher and over 60 old ticket price=37,74 TL

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Bus Ticket Price Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport 200, 202, 204, 206 Airport Bus Fare Schedule

In addition to ESHOT buses HAVAŞ Bus shuttle bus companies also serve on the routes of Mavişehir - Airport and Cumhuriyet Square - Airport.

Thanks to the 24-hour bus lines, Izmir residents are provided with transportation between the airport and the city center after midnight..

For detailed information: www.eshot.gov.tr

ESHOT BUS Call center : +90 232 320 0 320

Izmir Transportation Map: Click for Transportation Maps...

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Services Websites


Eshot Bus www.eshot.gov.tr
İzmir Metro www.izmirmetro.com.tr
İzdeniz www.izdeniz.com.tr
İzban metro www.izban.com.tr

As havalimanlari.net team, we wish you a good trip.



İzmir Adnan Menderes Havalimanı Haritası
izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Map


+90 232 455 00 00


Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Flight Information allows you to track and follow planes departing and landing at Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport. You can follow Izmir Adnan Menderes airport domestic and international flight times instantly. Press F5 to Refresh the Information Display.

With the Izmir Adnan Menderes airport flight information screen, you can follow up on the planes with departures. Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport live flight information screen. Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Flight departure and landing times

Important: havalimanlari.net, do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of acting on the flight information published on this Site which is revealed to be inaccurate or incomplete.
You can find out the accuracy of the information from the relevant airline companies, Airport Operator (TAV) or DHMİ.

You can look at the table "Arrivals" for the flights landing at Izmir Adnan Menderes (adb) Airport and "Departures" for the flights departing from Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport.

İzmir Adnan Menderes (ADB) Airport Arrivals

Note: The flight information provided above is provided by "Avionio" and no responsibility or liability of "havalimanlari.net" is provided for the content and accuracy of the information.

İzmir Adnan Menderes (ADB) Airport Departures

Note: The flight information provided above is provided by "Avionio" and no responsibility or liability of "havalimanlari.net" is provided for the content and accuracy of the information.

Views from Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport

İzmir Adnan Menderes Airportİzmir Adnan Menderes Airport Domestic Terminal

İzmir Airport Domestic Terminal / International Terminal İzmir Airport Domestic Terminal / International Terminal

Important : The data here is for information purposes only, and you may need to contact certain information by telephone or by visiting the relevant website.

Our Web Site does not accept any liability for any loss or damage that is exposed as a result of acting according to the information published on this site and the information that appears to be inaccurate or incomplete.

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